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I think you may have just found your new favorite VA...

Sure you can run your business on your own. The gag is that you don't have to do that ever again...

Entrepreneurship is hard, especially when you are doing it alone. As your business and bank accounts get larger, your availability shrinks with every new customer. You have always dreamed of freedom, but your business only runs if you are there running it. Now that you have the money, you desire the time. You want to delegate tasks and sporadically go to the beach on a Wednesday morning just because you know you can. You want the soft life. You want the security of knowing you can relax and still hear your notifications ding from a purchase being made. I love that for you. To be honest, you're closer to that lifestyle than you think. The answer is simple. Hire some help *in my Drake voice*! 


Schedule a Consultation

The first step is a discovery call. During this call, I want to know about you, your brand, and how I can help make running your business easier. 


Select a Package

After our call, you will select the service package that will best fit your business needs. Packages are based upon time needed per month. *Recommended package will be mentioned during discovery call based on information gathered.*


Let's Get to Work

Once the contracts have been signed and invoices have been paid, it is time for the fun part! It's time to work! We will have our "Kick-Off Meeting" to begin creating a work schedule and task list to get started! 


The Jolley Shift provides an array of services to entrepreneurs and business owners. 

Administrative Support

Email Management

Digital Products

Project Management


Social Media Management

Customer Engagement

Customer Relations Management

Graphic Design

Calendar Management

Website Design

Calendar Management

Outsourcing private contractors is cost-effective. Bring in more business by focusing on more important roles in your company. 

Most businesses make the mistake of not finding reliable help. You never have to work on daily time consuming tasks because your virtual assistant can handle that for you. Get the time freedom that you desire! 

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